
How Not to Answer The Question Why You Want to Be a Nurse

Why do I want to be a nurse

By Kris Lamey, Contributor

"Why I want to be a nurse" is one of the most common and universally difficult topics on most nursing school applications. However, it's just as important to know what not to include in your answer as what to include. It's also one of the favorite nurse interview questions, so once you figure out your answer, you can recycle it when you start to look for a job.

Check out the website to find nursing jobs and to help figure out why you want to be a nurse.

How not to answer why you want to be a nurse

With all the pressures on nurses today, it's important to make sure you're entering the field for the right reason so you won't answer this question incorrectly or risk low career satisfaction as you spend time in your job.

Additionally, if any of the following is your main motivation for entering the field, you might want to dig deeper for your answer:

  • Competitive salary and easier job search
  • You're an adrenaline junkie
  • Easier education requirements than other fields
  • A relative who's a nurse suggested it

Yes, nursing is a field with competitive pay, but it’s also got fairly demanding education and credentialing requirements. And interviewers and application committees tend to look for more circumspect answers that prove your personal stake in choosing this career. Let's get some more specific feedback from the experts.

Avoid being too generic when answering nurse interview questions

Feedback from professionals in nursing and in related recruiting fields indicates that being overly generic in any application or interview question can move you to the bottom of the pile.

"Stating that you want to help the world, help people and give back, while true, are just too generic. Ninety-nine percent of all respondents will say something along these lines," according to Rudeth Shaughnessy, HR Director, Copy My Resume. "The biggest pitfall many young and aspiring nursing professionals fall into is being overly generic in their Why I Want to Be a Nurse answers."

Stand out with personal, honest answers that show maturity

To stand out, you need to be very specific and discuss your chosen specialization, what department you prefer to work in and how it all ties into your personal life.

"People remember stories with personal ties, so the more you can relate your desire to personal driving passions, the better. You can tie your goals/views into real-life experiences you had that changed your perspective on an issue or motivated you to learn more," Shaughnessy advised.

You can't go wrong if you use the same professionalism you would when speaking with a doctor or supervisor. Keep your verbal or written tone professional, but be sincere and unique.


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