
5 Tips for Nailing a Virtual Nursing Interview

5 Tips for Nailing a Virtual Nursing Interview

By Brook Jillings, Contributor

The distance between the candidate and employer when applying for a traveling position often makes it necessary to conduct the nursing interview online. Following these five virtual nursing interview tips can help you approach your interview with the confidence you need to land the job of your dreams.

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5 Ways to "Wow" During a Virtual Nursing Interview

1. Pay attention to your surroundings before you begin

Unlike traditional interviews, you get to choose the location for your virtual nursing interview. Ideally, you want a quiet place where you won't be interrupted and good lighting so the interviewer can see you well. Clear out any clutter around you, and try to choose a neutral background that isn't distracting.

2. Practice with a friend on the same, or a similar, platform

If you've never been invited to a virtual nursing interview, take some time to familiarize yourself with the concept beforehand. This means checking out the platform it will be conducted on — or something similar if you don't have access. It's also a good idea to practice with a friend through a mock virtual nursing interview. Robert Hess, PhD, from OnCourse Learning suggests, "[Nurses] need to rehearse for interviews like they would the performance of their lives."

3. Master the virtual "handshake"

A virtual nursing interview has some limitations, such as the inability to shake hands with your potential employer. This means you need to find other ways to show respect and enthusiasm to the interviewer. As Hess says, "Remember, no one ever gets a second chance to make a first impression." To communicate your eagerness for the interview and the offered position, sit up straight and lean forward slightly during the initial greeting. Maintaining eye contact can be tricky depending on camera placement but make sure you stay focused on your interviewer and don't allow yourself to look away at distractions.

4. Communicate clearly and pay attention to your voice inflections

Body language can also be tricky during a virtual nursing interview because your motions won't always translate on screen. To counter this, try to convey your emotions through your vocal inflections. According to Hess, "Nurses who do well in virtual interviews learn to use voice inflections like they would use body language and facial impressions." Enunciate your words clearly and draw from your nursing communication skills.

5. Treat a virtual nursing interview like an in-person interview

You should approach your virtual nursing interview the same way you would approach an on-site interview. Take time to address your appearance and allow the best parts of your personality to shine through. "People hire people they like," says Hess. "Your success in an interview will have a lot to do with your personality."

Following these five virtual nursing interview tips won't guarantee you a position, but they will help you get through your interview with confidence and let you showcase your assets.


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